We are finally seeing the first fruits of labours, mainly in the form of the mighty broad bean. We have TONNES, despite the best efforts of the aphids who multiply at a ridiculous rate. I bought some ladybirds from The Green Gardener and they were supposed to keep the bugs at bay but they all seem to have disappeared so sadly we are still stuck with tonnes of the little blighters.
So I've just harvested the first lot. Matt is having a little nap after a heavy night yesterday so I've just eaten a lunch for one and what a lunch it was! Broad bean and pea salad with feta. As you can, I tipped too many peas into the pan (ours aren't ready yet so these are frozen ones) so the broad beans got lost but it was still delicious. I made a dressing of olive oil, lemon and mint and it felt so summery!
The good news is that we have loads more so plenty of risottos and salads to come ovet the next few weeks.
Our other produce of the week were some delicious blueberries. We've had these bushes for about 3/4 years and at last they are bearing fruit and plenty of it. I came home from work one day this week to find Matt cooking some pancakes from some buttermilk which our local farm shop was giving away free as a tester. They wanted to see how we liked it and when I went in today I gave them an update - we had the most delicious pancakes I've evr eaten and filled them with freshly picked blueberries, creme fraiche and honey. So, so delicious! I would highly recommend it. Luckily we have loads more blueberries left on the bushes so we'll have plenty more blueberry dinners.
The other news from the garden is an update on the chickens. Dymchurch seems better although still isn't laying so we're keeping an eye on her but they are all starting their summer moult so there are little feathers everywhere! I have been neglecting the lawn somewhat since they first arrive so decided to see how they like the lawnmower. The answer? They don't! Poor girls were very traumatised so I'm going to put them in a box in the dining room while I mow later on. Matt spoils them with seeds, and they know it, so Hythe in particular has taken to running around after him waiting for him to feed her! It's very funny:
We're off on holiday the week after next for a few days, then have a couple of weekens away in July and August so I sent a plea out to the member of the Slade Area Garden Enthusiasts (SAGE) group that we're part of and two of our neighbours volunteered. Lory is chicken-sitting for the first period so came over to visit them last week and loved them! I'm so grateful that people have volunteered to help out, I was really worried that we wouldn't be able to go away or that we'd have to leave them untended. We've done it for 1 night but I'd be concerned doing it for 3. It's so nice to have friendly helpful neighbours!