Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Pesky chickens on an exciting day

Well, Dym is now on the mend it seems - thank goodness! We took her to the vet who gave us some antibiotics which seem to be doing the trick. She's moving around a lot more and eating which is lovely to see after she was so sleepy and mopey before. I've been wandering around the garden trying to get a picture of her but she won't keep still so this is the best that I've got but she does look much better:

What this does mean though is that she's also back to her mischievous self! I've just been battling to keep her away from her beloved swiss chard and was sat here very pelased with myself for having made a makeshift fence only to turn around and see her munching on raspberries! It is nice to see her back to "normal" though.

The reason that I'm sat at home in the garden at 6.30 on a weekday is because I had the afternoon off work to have an interview for my PhD. It all went very well and when i got home I had an email from my now supervisor to say "congratulations - you're in!" which is brilliant news. So, 6 years of work starting in September. Very exciting and also scary, the girls had better learn to behave themselves by then or there'll be trouble!

and now Romney has just eaten my newly planted cabbages! Right, back in the run for these three...

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