Sunday 1 November 2009

Chicken Ritz and Fencing Fun!

About a month ago we started making a new coop and run for the girls so that they would have more space to run around and we wouldn't have to let them out in the garden (so that we can actually grow some flowers!)

The weather and lack of daylight have been conspiring against us so it's taken a lot longer than we had hoped but, at last, we have finished!

The girls were ever so "helpful":

...but they seemed delighted when the they explored their new run and coop for the first time:

We finished late this afternoon and here is the finished product:

As you can see, they have a lovely new sage green coop, a big run with deep bark chippings for them to dig in and a big branch for them to jump and perch on. They were reluctant to go to bed this evening, I think because they were so excited and were jumping and flapping all over the place once we put the branch in there. It's lovely to see them with so much space and, once we finish painting the run (it was too wet today) it will also look nice in the garden and we can reclaim some of our lawn!

The reason that we have been able to find the space for their new super-size run is because we have decided to give up one of the raised beds because we have plenty of space at the allotment, which brings me to my next update...

On Saturday the core group of allotmenteers got together to take the final important step in finalising the Slade Area Community Allotment...we put up a fence! It was a real team effort, which made it all the more satisfying when we finished:

We finally have a permanent home for our sign and, I think you'll agree, it finally looks like an allotment!

We haven't managed to get anything in the ground yet but we're getting there and are hoping to sew some broad beans and garlic next weekend.

One of the trees at the allotment is showing some beautiful autumnal colour. I couldn't believe that one tree could be so many colours at once so I had to share:

Finally, I walked in the back door to find that we'd had a break-in! I couldn't believe it, I'd only turned my back for five minutes. They did leave some evidence, but I just can't think who it could have been...

(a word of warning to any aspiring "backyard" chicken keeper...never leave the back door open!

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