This is poor Resiwick in the snow (I took this from bed, which is the best place to be on a snowy day in my opinion!)
The garden is looking very snowy indeed, I think being so narrow is protects the snow that lands from melting so it's really been building up over the last few days:
I left my gloves on the train yesterday and hadn't managed to get out to buy some new ones yet so my attempt at a snowman was this little chap on top of the girls' old coop. his eyes are made from bird seeds and his arms from dead chilli plants!
We also tried to coax the girls out into the snow to see how they dealt with it. Corn encouraged them a little way but not for long, they soon retreated back under their cover:
These photos should show you why we are not intending to take the car out today. Out little house does look lovely in the snow
Tonbridge also looks really lovely in the snow. We didn't go to any of the really pretty bits to take photos today but even around the river and park it looked pretty:
Amazing how the snow makes you want to burst into song. If you hadn't told me I would have thought it was a 6ft snowman - love him.